Public Notice
Westland Irrigation District intends to use aquatic herbicides in its canal system to control pond weed and algae. Applications will be as-needed from May through October each year.
Herbicides to be used are Teton with active ingredient Endothall; Magnacide H with active ingredient Acrolein; and Copper Sulfate.
Dairy animals must not be allowed to drink water treated with Acrolein-based herbicide; please contact the Westland office to arrange advance notice of treatments if you have dairy animals.
Westland water users may request in writing that their parcels not receive water deliveries during aquatic herbicide applications. Interested persons may call the Westland office at 541-667-2030 for further information. If you would like to request 24-hour advance notice before applications, please fill in the information below and you will be added to the list.